Lets Slow Down, Cary
Has your week ever looked like this?

We’ve all been there (at least) once where it seems everything on our to-do list has shown up all in one week. It's even harder with a full time job, family, and trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. That’s why on this blog, I am sharing some tips to break up your day or week and get you on your way to feeling more empowered.
- Take a 20-30 Minute Nap!
I know it sounds counterproductive, but research has shown that productivity and focus increases after a short “power nap”. Even when you think you don’t have the time, try to break up your day during or after lunch for a quick reboot of the day. Personally, during my busiest days or weeks, I make sure to take at least one short nap, and still manage to get most of my to-do’s accomplished. It’s a great way to feel more energized!
- Wake up and go for a morning walk or gym session.
Sometimes the first thing we go for in the morning is our phone - guilty. However, instead of trying to cut the screen time completely, try habit stacking. After 10 minutes of waking up or phone time, get ready for a brisk walk or head to the gym. Studies have proven the power of doing a morning exercise; whether it be yoga, a gym session, or a short walk, there is power in movement. It helps you get a clear and calm start to the day and brings movement instead of sitting all day long.
- Go see your friends. Seriously!
During busy weeks, it’s very, very easy to put hanging out with friends to the side. Instead, try going for phone calls for easy catch ups during the day. As always, it’s about making time for those you care about. If you prefer in person, try a quick catch up at a coffee shop, have a hangout at home, or even bring your friend to Cary Founded with a 25$ day pass.
- Want a night in? Get creative with family or friend hangouts!
As you can tell, connecting with others plays a big part in giving you a breather throughout your week. Ask your inner circle to come up with a movie night, a charcuterie and wine night, or try a new recipe (especially great for holidays seasons!). Test your creativity and be sure to allot it after one of your busiest days so you’re not overwhelmed with delaying tasks.
- End your night with no screens at least 30 minutes before bed.
Finally, one that you can hopefully include in your nightly routine regardless of how busy you are. Make this a habit and watch how easier it gets to fall asleep - especially during busy weeks when your brain is running around with 100 things. If you find yourself glued to your computer or phone, try some of the following:
- Set a time where you promise yourself to stop working. For example, one of my friends stops doing homework after 8pm. The rest of the evening is dedicated to leisurely activities or cooking.
- Ask someone to remind you to stop working! If you live with someone close to you, it may be helpful for them to come in and ask you to stop working after a certain time.
- Take a breath and ask yourself if this can be broken up instead of doing it all in one night. I am guilty of trying to finish a task all in one night when I have other times to work on it!
Once you can put the screens down - regardless if it was doom scrolling or sending emails, opt in for a warm slow shower, play some music and put laundry away, sit and journal (or get all your tasks out on paper), cook, or do the dishes so they don’t pile up even more. This can help you really get your body and mind ready for bed instead of: write a report, send an email, close the laptop, and then straight to bed! Trying other activities that take the load off will improve your mental health in the long run.
If not mentioned in this list, be sure to do the things that bring you fulfillment and ease to your life however that may look like.
Thanks for joining us at the Cary Founded community!